Factors that make TMT bar price in West Bengal much lower than rest of India?

TMT bars also known as Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars are a derivation of quality steel manufactured from virgin iron ore. These bars are used as reinforcements to deal with all 5 types of axiom forces, including; tension, compression, bending, twisting, and shear. That is why TMT bars are widely demanded in the construction industry to create structures that will last a lifetime. It is because of this large-scale demand for TMT bars, they are manufactured all throughout India. Despite this wide-scale production and demand, the price of TMT bars across India is usually around the higher competitive range, which makes quality TMT bars unaffordable for a large populace.  

                                                               Best TMT Bars in India

However, this high-cost pricing structure does not hold true when it comes to TMT bar prices in West Bengal. There are many reasons behind this, let’s walk you through some of the important factors that facilitate TMT Saria price in West Bengal to be lower than the rest of India:

Easy Availability of Raw Materials: West Bengal is the host state to a large number of iron ores, it is because of this reason the raw material required for manufacturing steel and TMT bars are easily and readily available in the state. Further, with this wide-scale availability of raw materials within close quarters of production units the cost of transporting raw materials in West Bengal is much lower than in almost all the other states of the nation. The combination of this wide-scale availability of raw materials with a low cost of transportation brings down the overall cost of production. Thus, allowing the TMT bar price in West Bengal to be lower than in the Rest of India.  

Cheaper cost of Labour: Manufacturing of Steel and TMT bars are highly labor extensive and dependent task. It is because of this reason; a large amount of capital invested behind the production of TMT bars goes directly toward the labor’s salary and maintenance cost. Hence, the higher the salary and maintenance cost, the higher will be the cost of production for TMT bars. That is why, with the availability of cheaper labor in West Bengal, the production cost of TMT bars in the state, stays much lower than Rest of India. Thus, allowing the TMT bar price in West Bengal to stay lower.  

Lower cost of Transportation: The state of West Bengal is well connected within and with the Rest of India via three different modes Land, Rail, and River. This unique connectivity facilitates TMT bar companies in West Bengal to easily distribute their product, at a lower cost. Further, with this unique networking prospect, it is possible for organizations in West Bengal to smoothly switch between modes of transportation in case of any type of issue with any particular mode of transportation. This in turn removes the cost of a delay from the equation and brings down the overall cost of transportation due to the competitive nature of transportation between different modes. Thus, facilitating a lower TMT bar price in West Bengal!

The singularity of Political Scenario: West Bengal has always been a state that showcases the singularity of political domination. It is because of this reason, whenever a political party comes to power, uniformity is maintained throughout the state. This usually doesn’t happen in other states of the nation, as a result disrupting the overall operational process, which ends up burdening businesses with both additional cost and time. Thus, the cost of TMT bars is being pushed towards a higher price zone all throughout the nation. Hence, with the presence of political uniformity in West Bengal, the TMT businesses rarely get affected by political pernicious. This keeps the overall operational cost under check while ensuring a lower TMT Saria price in West Bengal.     

Easy availability of Natural Resources: In order to effectively and systematically run a steel and TMT manufacturing unit, an organization requires a large number of additional natural resources like water, sand, crusting minerals, etc. With West Bengal geographically located between the foot of the mountains and the head of the sea, along with fresh river water working as networking all throughout the state, these minerals are widely available in the state. These dynamics allow TMT organizations to acquire natural resources at a cheaper rate, which directly decreases the cost of the final processing of the TMT bars during manufacturing. Thus, bringing down the overall cost, and allowing TMT bars to be made available in West Bengal at a lower rate.    

Easy access to power resources: West Bengal has an overproduction of electricity as per the board of electric supply West Bengal data 2021 – 2022. The same has been a constant scenario in West Bengal over the past 3 decades. It is because of this reason the cost of power resources in West Bengal is much lower than most of the states in India. This directly brings down the cost of production for Best TMT bars in India, thus, facilitating a lower TMT Saria price in West Bengal.         

These identified factors play an important role in defining TMT bar prices in West Bengal, accounting for the lower final cost at which TMT bars are sold in the state. These prices, when compared to TMT bar prices of the Rest of India, showcase much more pocket-friendly endeavors, much lower than the Rest of India. 


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