
Showing posts from December, 2022

Factors that make TMT bar price in West Bengal much lower than rest of India?

TMT bars also known as Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars are a derivation of quality steel manufactured from virgin iron ore. These bars are used as reinforcements to deal with all 5 types of axiom forces, including; tension, compression, bending, twisting, and shear. That is why TMT bars are widely demanded in the construction industry to create structures that will last a lifetime. It is because of this large-scale demand for TMT bars , they are manufactured all throughout India. Despite this wide-scale production and demand, the price of TMT bars across India is usually around the higher competitive range, which makes quality TMT bars unaffordable for a large populace.                                                                   Best TMT Bars in India However, this high-cost pricing structure does not hold true w...