The Best TMT bar Manufacturer of West Bengal

Over the past 2 decades, West Bengal has been one of the most rapidly growing states in India when it comes to the construction industry. It is because of this reason the demand for TMT bars in West Bengal has also expeditiously grown over time. As a result many small and medium-scale TMT manufacturers have established their business in the state, supplying TMT bars at a cheaper price. This has resulted in an off-market scenario, where people in order to save money acquired these cheaper quality TMT bars at a low cost for the purpose of construction. 

A Construction Industry Eye-Opener

This off-market trend came to an end in 2015 with the Nepal earthquake, whose aftershock shook the entire state of West Bengal. The earthquake was an eye opener for the entire construction industry in the state of West Bengal, impacting businesses as well as individuals who used poor-quality TMT bars for the sake of cost saving during the process of construction. Most houses, high rises, and projects developed using low-cost, cheaper quality TMTs’ were gravely affected, resulting in not only economical loss, but also contributed to the loss of lives. 

The Change in Trend with Government Intervention

With this grave impact of the earthquake, major norms were set on the quality and the type of construction materials to be used for the purpose of construction. Especially the types of TMT to be used in locations that fall under seismic zone 4 and 3, since these locations were marked to be more prone to earthquake occurrence. This resulted in a gradual decrease in the demand for low-priced TMT bars with the focus of the market actively chasing the best quality TMT.   

The Rise of the Best TMT Bar of West Bengal

Amidst this chaos of the TMT quality and the rising demand for TMT bars that can resist earthquakes or counter-balance them, Shyam Steel Industries Limited left a mark in West Bengal during this period of natural hazardous challenges. The TMT produced by the organization not only pointed out to be the best in resisting earthquake aftershocks but was also found to be better resistant to other natural hazards. Thus, reflecting unparallel damage protection to the properties during the earthquake impact that shook West Bengal.  

This hands-on experience of the people in West Bengal during the natural calamity of 2015 allowed Shyam Steel Industries Limited to leave a mark on the people and the TMT sector. Thus, making Shyam Steel Industries Limited; a house-hold name and a brand that signifies Quality and Trust.

With this emporium of data justifying Shyam Steel as the best, let’s dive deep into what really makes them the best TMT bar manufacturer in West Bengal.

What makes Shyam Steel the best TMT bar manufacturer of West Bengal?

There are many different factors that make Shyam Steel Industries Limited standout from the rest, including;

1.      Use of Good Quality Virgin Iron Ore: Virgin Iron Ore is the source of raw material for producing Best TMT Bars in India. It is because TMTs manufactured from scrap or reused iron are of poor quality and ends up developing rust, and cracks, while being vulnerable to corrosion. This directly impacts the strength and longevity of the construction structure. That is where Shyam Steel as a manufacturer stands out in West Bengal. Known for using virgin iron ore for TMT production. It is because TMTs produced from virgin iron ore have better ductility, strength, and maximum output.


2.      Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process is one of the most critical factors in developing top-quality TMT bars. It is because the manufacturing process determines the strength and flexibility of the TMTs. That is why Shyam Steel uses a controlled process and the latest Thermex technology to manufacture TMT bars. This, in turn, provides the TMTs with increased strength, while reducing impurities. Further with the use of the latest technology the TMT bars can achieve better ductility, and improved ability to absorb energy. Allowing the structures constructed using TMTs to be more resistant to natural hazards like earthquakes.


3.      TMT Grades: In India, there are many different grades of TMT bars that are presently available in the market. This varies between Grade Fe 415 to Grade Fe 600. These grades of the TMT Steel determine the elongation of the bars. According to Indian Standard Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for Concrete Reinforcement Institute (IS: 1786/2008); lower grades TMT Bars such as Fe 415 grade TMT Bar have Lower Strength and High Flexibility whereas higher grades TMT Bar such as Fe 600 have Higher Strength & Lower Flexibility. That is why Shyam Steel manufactures TMT FE 500D that provides the right balance of flexibility and strength. As per research conducted by "Indian Standard Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for Concrete Reinforcement Institute" under (Indian Standard code 1786 & 2008) Grade Fe - 500D TMT bar was found to be the steel that provides the right balance of flexibility and strength. Where Fe indicates Iron, 500 signifies the minimum yield stress in MPa (tensile strength), and D stands for elongation. Further, the Fe - 500D TMT bars provide extreme weldability, ductility, and bendability which is far superior to all other grades of TMT bar.


4.      Resistant to Corrosion: TMT bars are the pivotal component that defines the integrity of a construction structure. That is why it is important to select TMT bars that are resistant to corrosion. It is because TMT bars are often exposed to moisture, rainfall, and other weather conditions over a long period of time. This exposure can result in corrosion of the TMT’s steel, which can directly affect the integrity of the construction structure, by making it weak from the inside. Hence Shyam Steel ensures manufacturing of TMT bars that are resistant to corrosion. This can also help in supporting construction even in places with heavy rainfall and also places prone to flood.


5.      Flexibility: Top-quality TMT bars are expected to have bendability up to 90 degrees without losing their property. This provides the TMT bar with the ability to withstand a huge amount of stress for a longer period of time. Thus, ensuring the bars don’t crack or get deformed under immense stress or natural calamities like earthquakes. It is because TMT bars that crack under stress, end up affecting the integrity of the constructed structure. That is why Shyam Steel manufactures TMT bars that have adequate flexibility. In a high seismic zone like India, the flexibility of the TMT bar matters a lot, since it will allow the constructed structure to withstand seismic tension and a high degree of tension. Thus, protecting the structure even from natural calamities like earthquakes. This exact quality made Shyam Steel Industries Limited the market leaders in the TMT sector of West Bengal.


These factors have not only proven to be a hands-on example justifying Shyam Steel’s TMT bars' quality during the natural calamity but have also allowed the brand to stand out from the rest in West Bengal.

So if you are an individual or an organization looking for the best quality TMT bars in West Bengal then Shyam Steel Industries Limited should be the get-go manufacturer that you need.


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