What is TMT Bar?

best tmt bar in india

Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars have the softer core and harder outer surface. TMT Rebars manufactured through hot rolling of steel billets followed by Thermo Mechanical Treatment (Quenching & self-tempering) process.

Stages of QST process for TMT Rebars are:

Step 1

Quenching is the first stage for manufacturing TMT Bar. Hot rolled bar leaves the final mill stand and extinguished using water spray system in the quenching box. This process helps to harden the outer core while the inner core remains hot and soft.

Step 2

Self-tempering is the second stage where bar leaves the quenching box and the inner core continues to supply heat to the outer surface since it is relatively hot. This heat helps to create a structure to the outer base that is called Tempered Martensite.

Step 3

Atmospheric cooling is the third stage that takes place on cooling beds, where the austenitic core gets transformed into a ductile ferrite-pearlite structure. Thus the final structure consists of a stronger outer layer (Tempered Martensite) with a ductile core (Ferrite Pearlite)

shyam steel tmt rebar manufacturing process

Shyam Steel Fe 500D TMT bar follows the process explained above. Our State of the art steel plant in Durgapur produces the best quality TMT bar that is widely accepted across India. Shyam Steel’s continuous contribution towards India's prestigious projects over 6 decades help to stand our brand apart and above over others. Shyam Steel TMT bar comes with high tensile strength and it helps to protect your building from all natural calamities. Shyam Steel Fe 500D TMT bar is highly recommended for Earthquake Prone Areas with balance high tensile strength and elongation.


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